Dip sauce recipes to try out
  • Let's face the facts: dips and sauces are clearly the secret heroes on our plates. It's hard to imagine our culinary world without these creamy delicacies. What would nachos be without salsa, chips without ketchup, sushi without soy sauce, kettle sausages without mustard or chicken nuggets without sweet and sour sauce? In the summer at the barbecue, for Fancy Finger Food Friday or simply when enjoying your favorite dishes, these bring the necessary variety into play. To make sure you don't run out of variety, we've rounded up our favorite dips of the year below - For you to try and enjoy. Dive into the world of sauces and dips with our dip bowls. Or better: dip in.

    Indian date curry dip

    Ingredients for 4 people:
    200g pitted dates
    300g cream cheese
    200g natural yogurt
    2 tsp curry powder
    0,5 tsp salt
    black pepper, paprika powder, garlic to taste

    1. Put the dates, cream cheese and yogurt in a bowl and blend until you can barely see any pieces of the dates.
    2. Season the mixture with the spices.
    - Serve the dip best in our Meissen® Cosmopolitan dip bowls set and enjoy the exotic combination best with vegetable sticks, bread or chicken.

“In the orchestra of a great kitchen, the sauce chef is a soloist.”
Fernand Point
  • Lebanese walnut & red pepper dip

    Ingredients for 4 people:
    400g red pepper
    100g walnuts
    1 shallot
    2 tbsp olive oil
    1 tbsp lemon juice
    1 tsp honey
    1 tsp harissa paste
    salt, black pepper, paprika powder to taste

    1. briefly toast walnuts in a pan until they start to become fragrant, then set aside.
    2. dice red peppers and garlic and fry with a little olive oil in a hot pan for 10 minutes.
    3. puree walnuts, red peppers and garlic together with peeled shallot, honey, harissa, olive oil and lemon juice in a hand blender.
    4. season with salt and pepper to taste.
    - Discover this oriental kitchen treasure and experience the unique combination of fine sweetness, slight acidity and pleasant spiciness - best served with bread, vegetables or meat.

    We love both recipes. Not only in terms of taste: they also lend a colorful variety to the table and dining table visually, and are even perfectly accentuated with a touch of elegance in the dip bowls from MEISSEN. So why not try it out for yourself and impress your guests.