Chinese zodiac signs and their meaning
  • The ancient belief that planets and stars with their fixed cycles have an influence on earthly life is still widespread in China and an integral part of the culture. The legendary twelve Chinese zodiac signs play a special role in people's lives. In the past, they were important for dating the single years, and in addition, human characteristics were attributed to each animal. Even today, the interpretations are believed to have an influence on life.

    According to tradition, the following meanings are attributed to the zodiac signs in the respective years of birth:

    Rat (year of birth: 1924; 1936; 1948; 1960; 1972; 1984; 1996; 2008; 2020; 2032)
    The Rat stands primarily for wisdom. People, who carry the zodiac sign Rat in their birth year are cheerful, curious, clever and honest.

    Buffalo (year of birth: 1925; 1937; 1949; 1961; 1973; 1985; 1997; 2009; 2021; 2033)
    People of the sign Buffalo are considered hard-working, ambitious and reliable. Determined, they use all their strength to make their family's life as comfortable as possible.

    Tiger (year of birth: 1926; 1938; 1950; 1962; 1974; 1986; 1998; 2010; 2022; 2034)
    The Tiger is strong and very courageous in nature. People born under this zodiac sign are idealists who can be as passionate as they are caring.

    Rabbit (birth years: 1927; 1939; 1951; 1963; 1975; 1987; 1999; 2011; 2023; 2035)
    Those born under the zodiac sign of the Rabbit are supposed to be cautious, patient and friendly. Because of this gentle nature, people often act as arbiters of disputes.

    Dragon (birth years: 1928; 1940; 1952; 1964; 1976; 1988; 2000; 2012; 2024; 2036)
    The dragon is the only mythical creature within the Chinese zodiac signs. He is powerful, strong and ambitious. Moreover, he is willing to put his own goals aside, because it is more important to him to help other people.

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  • Snake (year of birth: 1929; 1941; 1953; 1965; 1977; 1989; 2001; 2013; 2025; 2037)
    The Snake symbolises wisdom and is also intelligent. People born in its year act intuitively and according to their feelings.

    Horse (year of birth: 1930; 1942; 1954; 1966; 1978; 1990; 2002; 2014; 2026; 2038)
    The Horse is free and independent. People that are born under this sign of the zodiac go through life powerfully and will leave nothing to chance. They are sporty in nature and love adventure.

    Goat (year of birth: 1931; 1943; 1955; 1967; 1979; 1991; 2003; 2015; 2027; 2039)
    Those born under the zodiac sign of the Goat are considered gentle, shy, compassionate and creative. The Goat likes to be independent of other people.

    Monkey (year of birth: 1932; 1944; 1956; 1968; 1980; 1992; 2004; 2016; 2028; 2040)
    The Monkey is considered to be adaptable and refined. His personality has a magical attraction. People born in the Year of the Monkey like the company of other people and are very communicative.

    Rooster (year of birth: 1933; 1945; 1957; 1969; 1981; 1993; 2005; 2017; 2029; 2041)
    People born under the zodiac sign Rooster are very popular with their fellow men, because they have an open and outspoken nature.

    Dog (year of birth: 1934; 1946; 1958; 1970; 1982; 1994; 2006; 2018; 2030; 2042).
    Those born in the Year of the Dog are perceived as obliging, emphatic and level-headed. However, the trust of this people must be earned first.

    Pig (year of birth: 1935; 1947; 1959; 1971; 1983; 1995; 2007; 2019; 2031; 2043)
    The Pig is very sensitive, friendly and kind. People of this zodiac sign are known to be very diligent and work hard to achieve the goal they have set for themselves.