MEISSEN is born under the zodiac sign of Gemini
  • In over 300 years of Meissen porcelain history, a number of significant events have accumulated that have had a decisive impact on the manufactory. For example, the invention of European porcelain on January 15, 1708, the emergence of the idea to mark original Meissen porcelain with crossed swords in November 1722, or the move to the current manufactory building in the Triebischtal in 1863. But in the midst of all these milestones is probably the most important date, June 6, 1710. Following a previous decree by Augustus the Strong, the "Royal Polish and Electoral Saxon Porcelain Manufactory" was founded and put into operation. Thus, on this day the porcelain manufactory MEISSEN saw the light of day.

    The long success story behind the MEISSEN brand, which continues to this day, proves that the porcelain manufactory was born under a lucky star from the very beginning. Astrologically, MEISSEN is under the astrological sign of Gemini with its founding on June 6. But do the typical character traits and personality traits of the zodiac sign, which are often attributed to individuals in popular astrology, also fit a company like MEISSEN. We dare to do the thought experiment.

    People born under the zodiac sign of Gemini are often associated with qualities such as inquisitiveness and passion, with flexibility and versatility, creativity or even with a strong ability to communicate.

„The big thing is not to be this or that, but to be yourself.“
Søren Kierkegaard
  • The very first thing we can clearly identify with, as a pioneer in European porcelain manufacturing, is curiosity. Flexibility and versatility are reflected at the latest in our large, diverse product range. From table & dining to extraordinary figurines and beautiful pieces from jewelry or home deco, we offer a very large variety of unique porcelain pieces. There are more than 300,000 different products that we have produced since our founding. And because we have been able to preserve a very large amount of documentation and molds over the many years, we are able to flexibly reproduce almost any piece from our long production history.

    And who, if not MEISSEN stands for creativity, passion and creative drive? Since day one, porcelain has been made at MEISSEN according to uncompromising quality standards. Each piece of porcelain goes through a manual creative process that can only succeed with experience and passion. From the extraction of the raw materials in the Seilitz mine to the shaping by casting, turning or modeling to the painting, glazing and firing, every step is the highest level of craftsmanship. Every single part of the manufacturing process is staffed by the best in their field - whether artists, designers or artisans. And this is where the typical communication skills of a twin are called for. This doesn't just apply to day-to-day, cross-departmental exchanges to ensure smooth operations throughout the company. The transfer of knowledge and experience relating to white gold must also be carefully passed on from generation to generation.

    Quod erat demonstrandum - there is clearly a Gemini slumbering in MEISSEN. So if you want to identify yourself with MEISSEN, it's best to reach for the mug Gemini from our „The MEISSEN Zodiac Collection“. But of course this is just a little thought experiment. MEISSEN is the sum of all the people who have ever worked for the manufactory, who have shaped its more than 300-year history with their devoted work and unique personalities.